Creative Nurturing
The Importance of MusicMusical instruments fascinate young children in many ways, including sensory and physical exploration, creative expression, as well as cognitive concepts like counting and rhythm. Music can contribute to a soothing environment for infants and toddlers as they begin to sort out musical sounds from other sounds they may hear on a regular basis. At The Baby Vine, children will explore and learn to play various musical instruments and participate in group song. The daily schedule includes music exposure, which encompasses a variety of genres and cultures. In addition to traditional musical instruments available at The Baby Vine, common household items can also be used such as blocks, spoons, pots and pans, and coffee cans for creating music with young children.
Language Exposure Through MusicChildren are natural musicians, and exposure to music during the early years enhances the learning process by promoting language development, creativity, coordination, and social interaction. When children are exposed to music on a daily basis and encouraged to explore the instruments themselves, they quickly realize music communicates a variety of things, Early exposure to music plays a fundamental role in a child's development and is a wonderful support of self expression.
Movement & MusicInfants are encouraged to make their own music by experimenting with instruments, such as rattles and bells while they are allowed the freedom to move and be vocal. Infants and toddlers will observe and learn from other children participating in daily movement and music activities, which can support cross hemisphere cognitive development. Toddlers can begin to understand movement as a form of nonverbal communication. At this developmental stage, young children enjoy songs that ask them to move through swinging around, twisting, jumping, and clapping their hands. Children respond favorably to music that is familiar and playing a song several times as background music can boost recognition and build vocabulary as the lyrics are learned. .
Sensory ExplorationThe Baby Vine recognizes the importance of sensory exposure in the learning process for young children. By giving children the opportunity to investigate materials with no preconceived knowledge, they are able to develop and refine their cognitive, social and emotional, physical, creative and linguistic skill-set. Children receiving care are encouraged to explore the child care and natural environment from a sensory perspective, as well as incorporate various sensory elements into play based activities.